The Many Beauty Benefits of Chamomile

Chamomile - what is it best known for? Herbal tea, perhaps. But did you know chamomile can help prevent acne? Chamomile has been used for centuries in traditional medicine, and today, we're going to look more in-depth at chamomile and why it can be such a beneficial ingredient for makeup and skincare.
Chamomile is one of the first medicinal herbs ever known to be documented by mankind. It has been used since ancient times as both a tea and a topical preparation to treat various ailments and skin conditions, including burn wounds! Chamomile is a member of the daisy family, and has two common variations: Roman Chamomile, and, more widely used, the German Chamomile. Historically, chamomile has been used to treat external wounds, burns, eczema, poison ivy rashes, and even eye infections! More uses noted later.
Now that you have a brief introduction to chamomile, let's dive a little deeper with some known uses of this widely popular flower!
Chamomile is a super plant, widely used for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial properties. Chamomile, in different variations, can be used for:
- Cosmetics
- Skincare
- Aroma therapy
- Eye and ear infection treatment
- Mild sedatives (for anxiety, insomnia, etc.)
- Skin issue treatment (eczema, rashes, etc.)
- Digestive aids (nausea, indigestion, etc.)
Beauty Benefits
The many uses are widely exalted, but what can chamomile do for YOU? When used in makeup and skincare, chamomile possesses the ability to:
- Fade signs of premature aging due to UV exposure (known as photodamage)
- Improve skin elasticity
- Decongest clogged pores
- Prevent acne
- Act as a mild astringent (skin tightening)
Chamomile has been used since ancient times for the many medicinal benefits it delivers, but what we love it for most are all of those positive contributions to skincare! The Lava Art Compact Cushion foundation formula contains skincare-focused ingredients, including the most wonderful chamomile, but this herb can be found all across the international beauty scene.
Stay beautiful,The Lava Art team